Bilingual Japanese Jobs - Japanese Recruitment Agency in the U.S.

For Job Seekers


How It Works

RegistrationSTEP1:Online Registration

Pleaes fill out our registration form. There is no fee for this service.


We will contact you for further information for your job search. We will try to get a better understanding of your career and your career goals.

InformationSTEP3:Information on Employment Opportunities

We will provide you with information on employment opportunities most suitable to your experience and preferences. Then, we will send your application to a company after confirming your willingness to apply.

InterviewSTEP4:Company Interview

Once you have been requested for an interview, we will make the arrangements for your interview with the company. We will support and advise you throughout the interview process.

OfferSTEP5:Job Offer

When you receive a job offer, we can assisst you in negotiating your starting date, salary, and other conditions.


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